Hello from Dhaka!
I have now been in Bangladesh for a week, it is amazing how time flies! I have really been enjoying my time with Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh. This week has focused on learning about what other habitat offices around the world do in terms of advocacy as well as trying to gain a better understanding of the issues in Bangladesh. I was able to accompany my supervisor on two wonderful interviews concerning organizations working on advocacy here in Bangladesh, and even though one was entirely in Bengali, it was still a great experience. Next week I will go with my supervisor on a trip to some offices in northern Bangladesh. It will be great to see outside of the big city and better understand how habitat works within communities.
I'm still staying at the hotel right around the corner of the habitat offices, but on Sunday I will move into my apartment. I thought the hotel was close, but the apartment is in the building directly beside habitat, from the living room I can even see the habitat office. The habitat staff have been incredibly helpful in arranging the apartment and although it is far more space than I need, the location could not be more ideal. This city is so incredibly busy and having the ability to not deal with a long, hectic, and at times difficult to traverse commute is wonderful.
At the moment I don't have very many pictures, other than of the bird that greets me outside my window each morning at 7am, but then again throughout the day. I wish I could type the noise that comes out of this little thing but, caaa, caa, caa doesn't really express it in the proper way.
I hope to be able to take a lot of pictures this coming week, its just that while zooming through the city, with being on the move and being in places where taking pictures would be appropriate.
During this past week I have primarily spent my time at the habitat office or at the hotel, but I have still learned some rather interesting tid bits about Bangladesh. First, the work week goes from Sunday-Thursday here, I am enjoying this right now! Second, Bangladesh is the size of the state of Iowa but has a population larger than Russia (this one blew my mind). Third, the exchange rate is 80 taka for each US dollar. At the hotel my meals have averaged around 500 taka each night. Fourth, the time difference between Indianapolis and Dhaka is 10 hours.
I hope to update the blog while I'm up north next week, but that all depends on internet access.
Keep making those memories!
After a very long 2 days, I don't want to try and figure out the number of hours because my sleep deprived brain is not the most powerful, I am here! The planes over here all were on time and there were no issues! Emirates Airlines might be my new favorite airline for the following reasons: 1) in the movie Sex and the City 2 the ladies have amazing first class seats, well those are Emirates (when I win the lottery one day I will be making a trip in those fancy seats), 2) they pass out hot towels at the very beginning of the flight, 3) MOVIES, MOVIES, and MOVIES, I think my obsession with movies is quite clear so when you provide me hundreds of choices on my own screen, well fun is going to be had, and 4) they feed you often, sometimes too often. I had three plane rides with Emirates, NY-Milan app. 7hrs, Milan-Dubai app. 5 hours, and Dubai-Dhaka app. 4 hours, on each of these flights one meal was served, on the NY to Milan one we had two. I enjoy a good meal, but there were times that I couldn't understand why we were eating again so soon! Emirates flies all around the world, but there headquarters is in Dubai, if you get the chance definitely use them!
During the multiple plane rides I met quite a few people from Bangladesh, they were so kind and helpful, especially when we got to customs and boy oh boy without one of my new friends, I'm not sure I would have been able to get through it very calmly.
I had an incredible small world experience when I was walking out to find the hotel driver, he had two other individuals, one of which I had spoken to about at customs. Where were they from you ask? Oh LITTLE ROCK!! They work at Heifer International and are here for about a week, staying at the same hotel as I am right now.
Well I think it is time for me to take a chill out half our, go shower, and then meet my supervisors for this summer! Thank you again for all the support, I have been amazed with the number of blog views! Much love and remember, go make some memories!
Writing at 12:30am...
The day has finally arrived and I'm not sure how to share what this means to me right now. Every second I am changing from nervous, excited, paranoid, shock, fear, and all sorts of other emotions that have no word but make those butterflies twirl around in your stomach! I have been lucky enough to travel outside of the country before, but this trip will be a whole new step. 15+ hours on one flight, South Asia, a completely foreign language (although I know that the word for one in Bengali is pronounced "ek"), and a graduate level project are all the main causes to my anxiety. I also am experiencing the general nerves of travel but through the school we have spent a TON of time in preparing and even though I might not feel confident, I know I have the information I need packed tightly somewhere within my bags.
The process of getting to Dhaka is quite the journey in itself, I will go from Indy to NY to Dubai to Dhaka.
Writing at 7:32pm in NY...
As I continue writing this post, I can share the news that I actually fly into Italy before landing in Dubai. I had consistently overlooked the 1 stop listed on my itinerary. I'm sure it will be relatively quick and I am not even sure that we have to get off of the plane, although if there is that opportunity I think it will be flight to NY was pretty good, I am not a fan of turbulence, although I don't think anyone is really a fan of it, so there were some uncomfortable times. I arrived here safely with plenty of time to traverse the hallways and fine food, an iPhone charger, of course I already misplaced one of mine, and find my next gate.
The next 20+ hours will be quite an adventure, but I am confident that with the assistance of Dramamine and endless hours of inflight movies, I will make it there safely and sanely. I arrive around 8:30 on Thursday morning, I will go to the hotel that I am staying at for the rest of May and after a little rest will head over to meet some of the employees at Habitat for Humanity. I am looking forward to better determining what my project will be over the summer and getting acquainted with a completely new community. My nerves for the language, weather, and just overall differences are still strong but at the moment being held together by excitement.
I will try to write on here as much as possible and look forward to sharing this incredible opportunity. Please feel free to comment, I know that the time difference may make it seem like I'm not responding but I truly appreciate everyone that wants to keep up with this experience!
As my granny always says, make memories, so as I end this first post I am off to make some memories!